Budget Documents

The City of Moreno Valley adopts a two-year budget to plan the best use of resources for providing services to residents and businesses.
Current Budget
The City's adopted budget covers two fiscal years.
The City of Moreno Valley has completed its two-year budget. While we are proud of our conservative fiscal safeguards and balanced budget this year, we recognize there are future needs that our current budget did not address.
As we plan for the future- we want to hear from you!
Please read our Budget in Brief (coming soon) and join the conversation by providing input on your priorities for the future.
Budget Development Cycle
The budget encompasses all budget component units of the City — including both Operating and Capital Improvement Project budgets. The current completed budget process projected operating revenues and expenditures for the next two fiscal years: 2023/24 – 2024/25. The next two-year cycle begins July 1, 2023.
Join The Conversation — Community Feedback
Moreno Valley prides itself on being a safe, well-maintained community to live, do business, or raise a family. Community values played a key role in the recent budget process — but we can't stop there. Learn more about the Join the Conversation initiative.
Budget Reference Documents
2025 Public Review, Documents, and Presentations
2023 Public Review, Documents, and Presentations
Adopted Budgets & Guides